Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Debate Over Nuclear Waste - 1240 Words
It is established that energy cannot be created nor destroyed and it could not be made out of nothing according the law of conservation of energy. The way that science explains the phenomenon of energy conservation is by portraying the conservation of energy as a physical transfer of energy between mediums through various forms such as heat, sound, and light. Since the discovery of fire in the early days of humanity, it can be understood that heat is the most versatile form of energy. On the expense of sacrificial physical matter, heat is produced particularly natural resource such as fossil fuels. While time progresses, the anticipated rate of decrease in fossil fuels has lead to the exploration of prospectively innovative long-term energy supplies. Nevertheless, like fossil fuels, injurious resources have professed many questions regarding the discarding of nuclear waste. This controversy paper will be mainly focusing on the question of whether nuclear waste can be disposed of safe ly. Contrasting on the issues with fossil fuels, the depletion of nuclear resources cannot tangibly be consumed. Relatively when creating heat by utilizing fossil fuels, nuclear resources do not breakdown into individual byproducts for example, carbon dioxide and water. In contrast, electrical power plants use nuclear resources such as uranium and plutonium pellets. When these nuclear resources are used, they remain undamaged and become considered as consumed fuel once it reaches an industrialShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Nuclear Waste1440 Words  | 6 Pagesregarding the discarding of nuclear waste. This controversy paper will be mainly focusing on the question of whether nuclear waste can be disposed of safely. Contrasting on the issues with fossil fuels, the depletion of nuclear resources cannot tangibly be consumed. Relatively when creating heat by utilizing fossil fuels, nuclear resources do not breakdown into individual byproducts for example, carbon dioxide and water. In contrast, electrical power plants use nuclear resources such as uranium andRead MoreNuclear Waste Essay949 Words  | 4 PagesNuclear Waste by Richard A. Muller Nuclear waste is a radioactive waste that is dangerous, and a fair percentage of people would agree on this topic. However, is it really dangerous or is it just harmful to an extent? In society, many debates are held over trying to prove to the world that this substance is harmful. In the essay, â€Å"Nuclear Waste,†Muller states clearly that he sides with the anti-nuke of the debate and how he pinpoints the facts of nuclear waste with great persuasion. Yet, it isRead MorePosition Statement-The Use of Nuclear Energy765 Words  | 4 Pages Despite the fact the countries continue to increase the production of nuclear energy, my position is that new nuclear power plants should not continue to be built. The current use of nuclear power should be carefully evaluated with a plan to slowly decrease production throughout the world. The negative implications to the environment and economy support my position. The production of nuclear energy is not as safe and clean as some say that it is. The Oxford Research Group released aRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Nuclear Waste1712 Words  | 7 PagesNorth Korea, but because it has no safe way of disposing of its nuclear waste. Radiation is a silent killer; if exposed into the environment it could lead to genetic mutations, cancer, and if long enough, premature death. Furthermore, radioactive material can work its way up from the environment to animals, to humans up the food chain nowhere near the site of exposure. We have been complacent in finding a permanent solution to nuclear waste management for decades and it has created a state of uncertaintyRead MoreEssay about Nuclear Waste Disposal1478 Words  | 6 Pages Nuclear Waste and the Effects on Human Life Statement of the issue: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Nuclear waste is a growing concern in the Untied States and throughout the world today. Even right now as I type this paper Congress is debating as to allow nuclear waste to be stored in Yucca Mountain in Nevada. This debate in Congress will help decide the way that the Untied States deals with nuclear waste issues in the future. Nuclear waste is hazardousRead MoreEconomic And Environmental Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Power1411 Words  | 6 PagesENVIRONMENTAL PROS AND CONS OF NUCLEAR POWERSTATION IN UK â€Å"HARTLEPOOL†A nuclear debate on the fuel cycle to the key economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power was held on the 3rd of March 2016 in Coventry University 212GED oil gas students. My acting role as EdF Witness local employee from Sizewell Nuclear Power Station was to stand in favor of â€Å"Pro nuclear†. The debate was to discuss why the committee should agree to deploy a nuclear power station in HeartlepoolRead MoreNuclear Power And Its Effects On The World1610 Words  | 7 Pagestheir fossil fuel dependency. Nuclear power is a relevant factor in alternative energy for policy-makers. In the 1950’s, anticipation for nuclear energy was very high, people thought that new advancements in nuclear energy would make electricity free. Nuclear power was successfully implemented for commercial use in 1954 Russia. Since then a total of 438 nuclear reactors were created around the world, including the United States, with 67 still under construction. Nuclear power support has always wanedRead MoreNuclear Waste Policy Act Of 19821205 Words  | 5 Pages The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 was enacted and passed by Congress based on bipartisanship between parties of congress, recommendations from various interest groups, and presidential leadership from Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Authoured by the 97th U.S. Congress, this policy aimed to create both a safe and permanent repository to store highly nuclear nuclear waste left over from the production of nuclear weapons in the 1950’s. Up until the bill was signed into law, the disposal of nuclearRead MoreNuclear Energy Boon or Bane1430 Words  | 6 PagesDiscussion Ideas: Nuclear Ener†¦ Next Blog » Create Blog Sign In Group Discussion Ideas An important step in interviews Home Topics About me Learn the art of Living Some positive thoughts You can suggest a new group discussion topic by posting a comment. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 Nuclear Energy in India - Boon or Bane? Points to be known:Nuclear power is the fourth-largest source of electricity in India after thermal, hydroelectric and renewable sources of electricity. There are 442 nuclear reactors in theRead MoreNuclear Power And Its Effect On The Environment1347 Words  | 6 PagesNuclear power plays a pivotal role in our lives. Nuclear power seems to be the only way to help human beings go through energy crisis and climate change. These two problems threaten global security and the stability of the environment. There are several advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power, so my essay is focusing on what British people really think of nuclear energy. Overview UK’s first nuclear reactor called Calder Hall was built in Sellafield in 1956. Now the UK has 18 nuclear
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about New Englanders vs Cheasapeakers - 1195 Words
Alex Boyette Mr. Ford APUSH 18 September 2013 New Englanders vs. Chesapeakers (there is no such thing a a Chesapeaker) The people of the New England region were focused more on families and God. Most of the settlers had left England to be free from religious control of The Church of England. Many of the religious people left because they sought God in a different way and were being repressed by the Christians (how?) because of it. The New Englanders were also more of a neighboring settlement than the Chesapeake region. On board, (name of ship and date) John Winthrop wrote, â€Å"We must delight in each other, make others’ conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having before our eyes our†¦show more content†¦The colonists did not want shop owners to increase prices so high that they would become poor trying to buy essential items to live. The shop owners and towns people agreed to this regulation in 1676 and made fair trade in Connecticut. The shopkeepers, under t he regulation, were told that, â€Å"they do not enrich themselves suddenly and inordinately (by opposing prices and wages to the impoverishing [of] their neighbors†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Doc E). They held up this end and the regulation was a success. The colonies in the Chesapeake region were not so in touch with family, fair trade, and neighborly love. The people of the Chesapeake region were there for one reason to get rich quick. They did not move to the New World for freedom of religion or to get in touch more with their family. In fact may of the people that moved to the New World came over alone and without families. Document C shows that there were many more men than women that came over and these men most likely did not come over with wives because most might not of had one (Doc C). These colonists had no interest in family life, only in making money. They even got off to a rough start when they would die in (die of what?)the first winter and would not try to obtain food, but onl y look for gold. A young Captain named John Smith got the town of Jamestown into action by his moto, â€Å"He who shall not work, shall
Monday, May 11, 2020
The For A Community College - 1399 Words
Trick #4, show that you are a determined person by mentioning that you could go to a community college if you’ve ever failed to get admitted the first time around. Most students who are applying for college are often recommended to apply at a community college first, just in case they had bad grades or were not accepted to their chosen university. Many have used this technique to increase their chances to succeed in a future application, which is good. But there’s another way to, let’s say, manipulate this â€Å"community college†option. The keywords are â€Å"showing how determined you are†. Let’s explain: -First, know that there are 3 types of essay questions on your application, namely the â€Å"Describe yourself option†, â€Å"the explain why you want to attend our college†question and â€Å"the discuss an issue†question. -Begin by structuring your essay and make sure you slip this big detail, but not by making it an important fact. The key is to show how determined you are, by â€Å"slipping†in your essay the following detail†I want to be a part of your University so much, that even though I haven’t got the best grades, I will enroll at a community college, and come out of there with the best grades and come back for another try†. Or again, if you have good grades, but are aware that the competition is very high you can also write†If I am not admitted this time around, at your prestigious University, community college will probably be an option this year, but I will come back, with the sameShow MoreRelatedCommunity College For Community Colleges857 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature Community College Revenue Community colleges have roots dating back to the 1900’s and became more homogenous with the help of the 1960’s California Master Plan for Higher Education. In the past, community colleges were tuition-free or subsidized by local property taxes and state appropriations (Cohen, M. Brawer, F. 2008). Currently, community college financing has been unpredictable â€Å"due to the discretionary nature of state support and the vagaries of funding initiatives†(PhelanRead MoreAmerican Community Colleges And The American Association Of Community College947 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Community Colleges were established in the twentieth century to address the needs of the workforce development (The American Association of Community College, 2015). Moreover, skilled workers were critical to the economic growth and strength of America’s society (American Association of Community College, 2015). Although the community college’s mission has not changed, employment skills have changed. In order to yield tangible economic benefits to the community, community colleges have toRead MoreCommunity College Or University?871 Words  | 4 Pages Community College or University Going to a community college, rather than a university, is a much more sufficient choice for high school graduates. Community colleges like Rockingham Community College (RCC), have increased benefits for the undergraduate students compared to that of a university. Attending RCC is a superior choice for most students because it is less expensive than a university, it has smaller, more flexible classes, and it is also usually closer to home and work. ThereRead MoreCommunity College Essay1003 Words  | 5 PagesDisability Employment Policy (ODEP) Pathways to Careers: Community Colleges for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities Demonstration Project (SCA 14-03) Why the Focus on Community Colleges Community colleges are the post-secondary institution of choice for youth with disabilities. Enrollment of students with disabilities in community colleges is growing faster than at 4-year institutions. Newman et al. found that between 1990 and 2005, community college enrollment of students with disabilities increasedRead MoreThe Mission Of Community Colleges1130 Words  | 5 Pagesaltered missions of community colleges and related impacts on the historical mission of community colleges. The mission of community colleges were intended to serve all individuals with an equal opportunity for higher education access. In this research paper, there will be four guided questions: 1. What was the original mission of community colleges? 2. How has the community colleges mission changed over time? 3. How did the organizational culture impact the community colleges? 4. What are societalRead MoreCommunity College or University?922 Words  | 4 PagesChoosing a college or deciding to even go to college is one of the most stressful things that we have had to do in our lives so far. This is especially stressful when you don’t have the money to pay for college or don’t know what you want to major in. College is very expensive and the costs add up quickly. Community college is less expensive and is not much different than a university. You can start majoring in something in a community college and then transfer your credits to a university. ManyRead MoreThe Importance Of Community College1075 Words  | 5 PagesEvery year thousands of individuals are faced with questions about college. These questions, whether it be committing to a community college or a university or deciding to commute or live on campus, determine the course a students’ life takes while in college. Finding a college that fits each individual person and th eir unique needs is a difficult task that takes time and patience. I believe revamping the structure of community colleges will benefit students of all ages. Remodeling the acceptance andRead MoreBenefits Of Community College746 Words  | 3 PagesShould community college should be free? Now everyone can get an education if they wanted to, community colleges or a university can help people get a career to succeed. Some students dont really have enough money to go to a university because is really expensive but there is a solution community college can help everyone earn their associates degree and transfer in the future. Community colleges gives students the opportunity to get the same education as a university but with less money. CommunityRead MoreA Community College Or A University?993 Words  | 4 Pagesbegin at a community college or a university? Although they both have their benefits and shortcomings, they both offer the same diversities of knowledge. When deciding where is best to continue with a steady start, each individual should know that a community college and a university differ in learning environment, cost, and how much time the individual would like to spend on campus, but first, what are the differences between a community college and a univers ity. A community college, also knownRead MoreHouston Community College951 Words  | 4 PagesMariela Figueroa Assignment #1 Houston Community College Houston Community College offers facilities to serve students, in all disciplines, improve students learning skills and by targeting specific areas of concern. Students can use these resources throughout their college careers. You don t need an appointment to visit any of the resources offices and there is no charge for use of the labs, Word processing software and online tutoring service are also available. Northeast campus includes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Project Reconciliation Management Project Management
Project reconciliation management is a component of Project management which arranges every one of the parts of a project. Project reconciliation guarantees smooth execution of all procedures. The deliverables here incorporate yet not restricted to Project s Charter; Scope that can be an underlying variant, management arrangement about the project .In the project management viewpoint, reconciliation includes the elements of partner the group; unite the status, and taking synergistic activities that are imperative for project fulfillment. It likewise is required for dealing with the desires from the partners who give the financial plan and prerequisites to check whether we live up to their desires and norms. Management is not one deal with the necessities but rather it will likewise help in settling on the right decisions about the assignment of assets who need to work in this project, picking the right business highlight or notwithstanding trading off with other taking into account the need, handle the conditions between various groups like UIX, Engineering, QA, testing and so forth. The key work involved in each of the processes for project integration management is described below: Develop Project Charter- In this procedure a report is produced which formally approves the project or stage and finishes recording the underlying prerequisites that meet the desire of the partners. Develop Project management plan- The underlying prerequisites documentation is utilized asShow MoreRelatedAn Analytical Environment On My Accounting And Supply Chain Management1015 Words  | 5 PagesOBJECTIVE: To continue my career in an analytical environment utilizing my Accounting and Supply Chain Management degrees. Over 18 years of experience in Financial Auditing, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Rutgers, University Procurement Service, Piscataway, NJ Supply Chain Project Data Analyst and Accounts Payables May 2016 – current Supply Chain Project Data Analysis of the day to day accounting activities. Reporting trends, costs and deliverables toRead MoreChange Management And Project Management1426 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstanding the definition and value for change management. Change management and project management were integrated by 71% of the Prosci study participants on their projects. This ensured higher effectiveness of change management and higher likelihood of meeting project objectives. Communications plan, project plan, training plan and schedules were the most commonly used tools. 79% of participants reported using a particular methodology for change management. This trend has been on the increase sinceRead MoreProcurement Process Essay examples1297 Words  | 6 PagesProcurement management is the processes to purchase or acquire the products, services or results needed from outside the project team to perform the work. Project Procurement Management involves not just purchasing products, services or results, but also ensuring that those that are purchased are right for the project, meets standards and is based on project requirements. This life cycle includes tracking from order through deployment and completing with invoice reconciliation. All projects are definedRead MoreApplied Research Technologies Essay1189 Words  | 5 PagesTechnologies, Inc.†Phyllis A. Clayton Professor: Dr. Hakim B. Allah Project Management Leadership BUS 518 July 21, 2012 â€Å"Applied Research Technologies, Inc.†1. Determine the leadership style that Peter Vyas exhibited as he considered the group’s proposal and provide examples of his behavior. Of the four leadership styles, participative, consultative, delegative, and directive, discussed in Lewis’ book Project Leadership, Peter Vyas exhibited a participative leadership style. TheRead MoreJob Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet Essay889 Words  | 4 Pagesformat. JOB ANALYSIS 1. What are the duties and job responsibilities associated with the position held by the individual you interviewed? The responsibilities for a Project Manager: Undertake management responsibilities for some or all aspects of the design and construction of new construction or refurbishment projects Obtain all necessary entitlements Plans and specifications. Tracking, and distribution. Plan check and permits. Tracking timelines, and pulling permits Plan review andRead MoreProject Management Essentials : A Project1491 Words  | 6 Pages Erica Patterson June 8, 2015 Project Management Essentials Professor James Marion Abstract All the more particularly, what is a project? It s an interim try embraced to make a novel item, administration or result. A project is impermanent in that it has a characterized starting and end in time, and accordingly characterized extension and assets. Also, an undertaking is interesting in that it is not a standard operation, but rather a particular arrangement of operations intended to fulfillRead MoreEffective Management And Leadership For Project Managers Essay1567 Words  | 7 PagesMany observers of architectural, engineering, and facilities management organizations have noted how little planning designers undertake for their own benefit. Design and facilities managers continually preach to their internal and external clients of the need to undertake regular planning. However, within their own operations, designers often lack an ongoing planning process, effective management systems, regular evaluation of operations and performance, continual training of their own sta ff, andRead MoreMy Professional Experience As A Data Analyst Essay836 Words  | 4 Pagesanalyst in an internal job posting. After being trained on advanced MS Excel and SQL I was involved in the inception phase of a provider project. I prepared scope documents with detailed definitions to analyze and document business data requirements, participated in discussions with clients to help set-up the project seamlessly. I achieved a 100% reconciliation in the request tracking system set-up by developing daily data reports and data exception reports using SQL. I also implemented a data checkRead MoreCase Study Management Process At Hospital Corporation Of America1148 Words  | 5 Pagesto the project management process at Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). The corporate entity of HCA is responsible for executing and delivering hundreds of Information Technology projects each year that span a variety of specialty areas such as clinical operations, new product development, and IT infrastructure. All of these projects are managed through HCA’s Project Management Center of Excellence to ensure consistency in planning and execution. From inception, each project has itsRead MoreAccountability And Responsibility Of An Organization1009 Words  | 5 PagesIt sets the organisation’s mission, vision, objectives, policies and strategic plan. It also oversees the management of an organisation and represents stakeholders in an organisation. The Zoo needs to establish a Board of Directors and its members need to have experience or expertise in Zoo administration. The Board has to meet regularly in every three months or when the Zoo management requests it or when the need arises. It is the most powerful decision-making organ of the Zoo. The Chief
Types of Contracts Free Essays
TYPES OF CONTRACTS The risk shared between the buyer and seller is determined by the contract type. Although the firm-fixedprice type of contractual arrangement is typically the preferred type which is encouraged and often demanded by most organizations, there are times when another contract form may be in the best interests of the project. If a contract type other than fixed-price is intended, it is incumbent on the project team to justify its use. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Contracts or any similar topic only for you Order Now The type of contract to be used and the specific contract terms and conditions fix the degree of risk being assumed by the buyer and seller. All legal contractual relationships generally fall into one of two broad families, either fixed-price or cost reimbursable. Also, there is a third hybrid-type commonly in use called the time and materials contract. The more popular of the contract types in use are discussed below as discrete types, but in practice it is not unusual to combine one or more types into a single procurement. Fixed price contracts. This category of contracts involves setting a fixed total price for a defined product or service to be provided. Fixed-price contracts may also incorporate financial incentives for achieving or exceeding selected project objectives, such as schedule delivery dates, cost and technical performance, or anything that can be quantified and subsequently measured. Sellers under fixed-price contracts are legally obligated to complete such contracts, with possible financial damages if they do not. Under the fixed-price arrangement, buyers must precisely specify the product or services being procured. Changes in scope can be accommodated, but generally at an increase in contract price. Firm Fixed Price Contracts (FFP). The most commonly used contract type is the FFP. It is favored by most buying organizations because the price for goods is set at the outset and not subject to change unless the scope of work changes. Any cost increase due to adverse performance is the responsibility of the seller, who is obligated to complete the effort. Under the FFP contract, the buyer must precisely specify the product or services to be procured, and any changes to the procurement specification can increase the costs to the buyer. Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contracts (FPIF). This fixed-price arrangement gives the buyer and seller some flexibility in that it allows for deviation from performance, with financial incentives tied to achieving agreed to metrics. Typically such financial incentives are related to cost, schedule, or technical performance of the seller. Performance targets are established at the outset, and the final contract price is determined after completion of all work based on the seller’s performance. Under FPIF contracts, a price ceiling is set, and all costs above the price ceiling are the responsibility of the seller, who is obligated to complete the work. Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment Contracts (FP-EPA). This contract type is used whenever the seller’s performance period spans a considerable period of years, as is desired with many long-term relationships. It is a fixed-price contract, but with a special provision allowing for pre-defined final adjustments to the contract price due to changed conditions, such as inflation changes, or cost increases (or decreases) for specific commodities. The EPA clause must relate to some reliable financial index which is used to precisely adjust the final price. The FP-EPA contract is intended to protect both buyer and seller from external conditions beyond their control. Cost-reimbursable contracts. This category of contract involves payments (cost reimbursements) to the seller for all legitimate actual costs incurred for completed work, plus a fee representing seller profit. Cost-reimbursable contracts may also include financial incentive clauses whenever the seller exceeds, or falls below, defined objectives such as costs, schedule, or technical performance targets. Three of the more common types of cost-reimbursable contracts in use are Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF), Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF), and Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF). A cost-reimbursable contract gives the project flexibility to redirect a seller whenever the scope of work cannot be precisely defined at the start and needs to be altered, or when high risks may exist in the effort. Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts (CPFF). The seller is reimbursed for all allowable costs for performing the contract work, and receives a fixed fee payment calculated as a percentage of the initial estimated project costs. Fee is paid only for completed work and does not change due to seller performance. Fee amounts do not change unless the project scope changes. Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contracts (CPIF). The seller is reimbursed for all allowable costs for performing the contract work and receives a predetermined incentive fee based upon achieving certain performance objectives as set forth in the contract. In CPIF contracts, if the final costs are less or greater than the original estimated costs, then both the buyer and seller share costs from the departures based upon a prenegotiated cost sharing formula, e. g. , an 80/20 split over/under target costs based on the actual performance of the seller. Cost Plus Award Fee Contracts (CPAF). The seller is reimbursed for all legitimate costs, but the majority of the fee is only earned based on the satisfaction of certain broad subjective performance criteria defined and incorporated into the contract. The determination of fee is based solely on the subjective determination of seller performance by the buyer, and is generally not subject to appeals. Time and Material Contracts (TM). Time and material contracts are a hybrid type of contractual arrangement that contain aspects of both cost-reimbursable and fixed-price contracts. They are often used for staff augmentation, acquisition of experts, and any outside support when a precise statement of work cannot be quickly prescribed. These types of contracts resemble cost-reimbursable contracts in that they can be left open ended and may be subject to a cost increase for the buyer. The full value of the agreement and the exact quantity of items to be delivered may not be defined by the buyer at the time of the contract award. Thus, TM contracts can increase in contract value as if they were cost-reimbursable contracts. Many organizations require not-toexceed values and time limits placed in all TM contracts to prevent unlimited cost growth. Conversely, TM contracts can also resemble fixed unit price arrangements when certain parameters are specified in the contract. Unit labor or material rates can be preset by the buyer and seller, including seller profit, when both parties agree on the values for specific resource categories, such as senior engineers at specified rates per hour, or categories of materials at specified rates per unit. How to cite Types of Contracts, Papers
Five Star Beer free essay sample
Five Star Beer Problems Analysis Decreasing Market Share Five Star Beer had a great history. This was closely related to the policy of China at that time. Before 1978, Chinese government controlled almost all Chinese economy and resources. Every company was owned by government. Every activity was under the control of Chinese government, including what the prize was, how much beer it should make, where to sell, and how much the employees should earn. Five Star Beer served Beijing and the surrounding Hebei province.After reform and opening-up policy was established in 1978, there were more and more brewers throughout China. But Five Star still enjoyed a majority of the Beijing market prior to the early 1990s. However, by the early 1990s, Five Star had to compete in the Beijing area with Three Ring Beer. Also, not only in Beijing area, Five Star had to compete throughout the country because in the earlier time, it gained some market share in other area by establishing of licensing agreements between itself and other regional brewers. We will write a custom essay sample on Five Star Beer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At that time, Five Star would not be the â€Å"only one†any more. It had to consider how to sell the bear. Quality Problem It was also the time that ASIMCO discovered Five Star Beer had a great quality difficulty, leading the second and also the most important thing that Five Star Beer should deal with quality. Products from the same company should have nothing different except variety, taste, and characteristics, which points out that quality issues will not be tolerated.Quality is the life of the company. However, ASIMCO found there was a severe quality problem within Five Star Beer. The reason may be that Five Star developed too fast and signed too many licensing agreements within its capacity. Just giving other regional brewers a â€Å"Five Star†brand instead of giving them technical support and standard procedure could lead to produce unqualified products. From another aspect, Five Star never used to think about its quality because
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