Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Financial Crisis A New Market For Rent - 900 Words
The 2008 financial crisis which displaced many home-owners created a new market for rent to own real estate properties. The recession caused home ownership to become unaffordable for average middle- and working-class citizens. This resulted in a clamor for affordable housing for millions of Americans who had lost their savings, their investments (homes), and their reputations (credit.) Rent to own (RTO) is a good option if you need to buy yourself some time. There are many advantages to RTO as opposed to renting without the option to buy. When you rent to own you get to move in immediately and you won’t have to move again when you’re ready to buy because you already live in the house you are purchasing. This relieves a lot of hassle and expense. Renting a house with the intention to eventually purchase will set you on a path of accountability. When rent to own is not an option people have a tendency to lollygag, renting for several years without making any progress towards their goal of home ownership. A house may be the biggest purchase of your life, so the pressure causes people to procrastinate. When home ownership is the goal, your steps should be to improve your credit and save money to buy the house. Being on a RTO program keeps you on a schedule in an organized, systematic way. This accountability can be crucial to someone whose dreams of home -ownership have been dashed by the economy. A portion of the rent you pay monthly works towards the down payment of theShow MoreRelatedCommercial Properties Of Commercial Property Development1349 Words  | 6 PagesCommercial property is one that is â€Å"intended to produce a financial return for its owner by being used or occupied by businesses†(British Property Federation, 2014) with the financial return being rent received from a tenant or a change in the capital value of the property. Commercial property includes offices, retail premises, restaurants, hotels and more. As with any other type of property commercial property is vulnerable to various factors that can make it a more or less attractive investmentRead MoreThe Housing Crisis Of Boomerang Buyers954 Words  | 4 Pages Following the 2006-2008 housing market crash, 4.8 million of homeowners lost their most valuable assessment to foreclosure, and another 2.8 milliongave up their homes in short sales. These f ormer homeowners that are reentering the housing market after losing their homes during the housing market financial crisis are now part of a wave of â€Å"boomerang buyers.†According to Real Estate experts, boomerang buyers who are returning to the market were at least 10 percent of all United States home purchasesRead MoreRent For Own Home Ownership1032 Words  | 5 PagesRent-To-Own Home Ownership The desire to own a home in America is very common. As a matter of fact, there is no American Dream without home ownership. Years ago, an economic crisis swept the nation leaving many homeless, jobless, and flat out broke. Many Americans as well as businesses were victims to this crisis. Fortunately, the market has started to recover and regain structure and many have been able to get back to into the home buying market. 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Most loans, specifically, subprimed loans began going into default once the credit markets froze in the summer 2007. Things began to deteriorate rapidly. The offering of subprimed loans stopped completely and interest rates for other types of borrowing such as corporateRead MoreA Report On The Housing Market1659 Words  | 7 PagesThis report reviews a number of factors with the housing market, starting with the rent/price ratio, and covering relevant economic events and factors specific to renting and home ownership. Rent/Price Ratio Data The rent/price ratio data over a fourteen-year span from first quarter 2000 through first quarter 2014 tracks the trends of the housing market leading into the housing crisis that started in 2007 and its rocky path to correction. The start of this period shows a ratio of 4.7 percentRead MoreThe Foreclosure Crisis Of The United States813 Words  | 4 PagesThe foreclosure crisis that took over the United States a few years ago left many people facing economic hardships. This crisis happened because there was a huge housing bubble that was unsupported by actual home values. The bubble began bursting in spring of 2008 and the crisis culminated in mid-2009. Many lenders went out of business and many home owners began losing their homes. When the government became aware of this problem and began to implement new programs, it was already too late for manyRead MoreThe Financial Crisis Of Theu.s Economy1371 Words  | 6 PagesWithin the financial crisis of 2007, the U.S economy took a turn for the worst. The unemployment rate shot up to 10%(cbpp.org), and as a result there was less money within the economy for: goods, services, and this essay’s key topic; housing. As a result of this economic situation, there was a significant increase in the amount of houses being foreclosed upon. This was mostly caused by the owners of said houses taking out risky high interest loans, because of bad credit, while also being within financiallyRead MoreThe Subprime Mortgage Crisis in the U.S Essay1586 Words  | 7 PagesThe argument over who should be at fault for the subprime mortgage crisis and housing market collapse in the United States has been a heated debate. Even though home foreclosure keeps rising, there should be some accountability for the economic meltdown resulting from the subprime mortgage situation. Should we blame banking institutions, mortgage lenders, brokers, and investors for this crisis? Should minorities be blamed for recklessly accepting loans and defaulting on them after realizing theyRead MoreFinancial Crisis Of The Great Depression887 Words  | 4 Pagesasset prices followed by a crash in the stock market and sent both debt and equity markets down. These periods are said to be the worse economic downturn in the country’s history. During the great depression, as banks failed and threatened to shut down the financial system altogether, President Franklin Roosevelt moved quickly and effectively to address the most dangerous financial crisis of the Great depression. During the great depression, the stock market collapse that began in October 1929 took away
Monday, December 16, 2019
Lincoln High School Free Essays
For most students at Lincoln High School, today is no different than any other regular school day. For me however, it’s the day I’ve been looking forward to for over a month. Today is the day when our hard work during numerous evening rehearsals pays off. We will write a custom essay sample on Lincoln High School or any similar topic only for you Order Now Today is the day when the hundreds of hours put into making costumes, building the set, and intricate make up designs are displayed. Today is the day we open the show. One by one the students filter into the theater room. For the first evening performance, call is at 5:00, but by the time I’ve arrived at 4:30 room 220 is already filled with students busily preparing for the show. Costumes begin to disappear from the costume closet and a thin layer of powder and cream makeup appears on the counter. I manage to squeeze my way through the mob of people standing around, chatting, applying makeup, or curling hair and find myself a wonderful seat in front of the mirror. As I sit down I’m overcome with a thick, chocking cloud of hairspray. Over the next hour students slowly transform into their characters, no longer the same people who walked through the door earlier this evening. The director enters and shouts â€Å"Twenty minutes until show!†Myself, and everyone one else in the theater room echoes in response, â€Å"Thank you twenty!†You can almost feel the level of excitement rising. The chattering gets a little louder. Soon after the announcement, the cast gather around the tables and began to stretch. The chattering dies down, and I begin to reflect over what we’ve accomplished over the last month and a half. Five minutes until the show starts. Everyone circles up and join hands so the seniors can continue on the tradition of â€Å"The Energy Circle†. â€Å"Are you ready?†Everyone replies in their stage whisper, â€Å"Yeahhhhh!†â€Å"Then let’s get ready to rumble!†The wave is started around the circle. It goes around once, twice, and than dies out. It’s time to report to our places. As everybody waits, cramped in the wings of the stage, my mind begins to race with questions. What if I forget my line? What if I miss a cue? My thoughts are intercepted with the dimming of the lights. Black out. Everyone quickly, but quietly gets into their opening position and freezes. The lights come up, and the show begins. Time starts to fly by. We are performing the show better than at any rehearsal. Before I know it I’m taking a bow. The crowd is cheering wildly. The lights go out and the cast exits off stage. Only moments later, the senior dip begins to fill with parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends. I am overjoyed to see some of my friends, and immediately I am bombarded with hugs and positive reviews. Soon, people begin to pull away from their family and friends because there are duties and chores that need to be taken care of before anyone can leave. Costumes are gathered, neatly hung up and the makeup grime is wiped off of the counter. The floor is moped, the tables are cleaned, and the chairs are pushed in, ready for students in class tomorrow. The room is spotless, and we are allowed to go home and rest to prepare for another show tomorrow night. How to cite Lincoln High School, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Dramaric Techniques in Act 1 of The Crucible Essay Example For Students
The Dramaric Techniques in Act 1 of The Crucible Essay In act one of The Crucible Arthur Miller uses many dramatic techniques in order to emphasize the events that he is describing and to suggest there relevance to us today. One technique that he often uses is that he stops the main dialogue and has an intermission which is almost always entirely factual. These intermissions often describe different characters or events that are happening in the play. They serve a number of purposes, first of all to set the scene and to give you an idea of what these people are like and their background. For example on page 22 there is an intermission describing John Putnam describing why he has such a vindictive nature and why he is the one to lay down most of the accusations. Also at the beginning before the dialogue has started there is a long passage which describes the village of Salem and Reverend Parris. Its in this passage where you learn why people want to take Parris away from his pew and thus why he is so wary of pronouncing that there has been witchcraft in his house later on in the play. As this play is on the surface about a witch hunt the breaks in the dialogue are emphasizing peoples superstitions and show how cautious and suspecting the people of Salem are. It helps explain why these people are so afraid of being called a witch as if they are accused then thats it and they cant dig their way out of the hole as people will take denial as an accusation on whoever accused the person in the first place. The second reason why I think he puts in these passages of pure fact is because of the idea that this play is meant to be compared to the spy hunts in America during the cold war. The purpose of the intermissions in this case is to add credibility to this comparison and to the story of the witch hunt by adding small details about he characters and also by adding dates and events which occurred. For example the opening passage is one full of sates and events which are historical i. e. they occurred which as well as setting the scene makes the story more credible. If there werent these intermissions then people would come out of the play thinking that it was simply a good play written by a man with a wild imagination. They wouldnt actually believe that the events described were true which of course they are and so wouldnt understand the story as being very relevant to todays age which it is as even today people make mistakes in trusting others and so are naturally very mistrustful of other people and nations. What these intermissions do is add credibility to the story as with fact the reader is more likely to understand that these events actually took place. You could also look at it I he way that if Miller increases credibility with some factual intermissions then the audience are more likely to believe any fiction that he puts on top of the basic fact. This makes him freer as an author to make up some details which will enhance the story and make it more readable. So its almost a development of trust between the author and the reader. The author puts in some fact which makes him more able to put in some fiction. A third reason why these intermissions serve an importance is that they suggest to you in a way which characters are going to be important throughout the course of the play. .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .postImageUrl , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:hover , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:visited , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:active { border:0!important; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:active , .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucda30f56e84ecd541d97294d5cc942fb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Crucible Essay ThesisThe characters who have had intermissions have turned out to be playing quite central parts in the play, such as John Proctor on page 27 and Parris right at the beginning. So Miller has also used these intermissions to set out who his main characters will be to the viewer. This is probably because if the viewer knows who is going to become very involved in the play then he or she will know to look at a characters actions and to pay more attention to why the character will urn out to be so important. Characterization is another dramatic technique that Miller employs in the first act. He uses the actions on the characters and their personalities to stress not only how enclosed and mistrustful the people in this society were but also how they were actually very human. For example with John Proctor we see someone who has made mistakes and has done stupid things like to cheat on his wife with Abigail. However isnt it normal and human to make mistakes? So although we look at his character and think how badly he has acted and how deceitful he has been we must also realize that we also make bad mistakes even though they might not be quite as bad as the one John Proctor made.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Is Prospero a power obsessed tyrant or an egalitarian Essay Example
Is Prospero a power obsessed tyrant or an egalitarian? Paper The fact that Miranda says that Prospero, left me to a bootless inquisition, showing that Prospero has complete power over her life as he is the only person who can actually tell her who she is. Bootless, shows that Miranda finds the knowledge completely useless. This shows that Prospero has complete control over what he wants Miranda to know, and is being autocratic in having this power. Prospero manipulates the characters in to doing what he wants. His main method is the use of magic. Prospero conjures the tempest which eventually brings Ferdinand, Mirandas future lover, to the island. He has done this so that he can regain his kingdom by using Ferdinand as a link to the Dukedom. By using Miranda and Ferdinand in this way, Prospero is treating them like slaves, which is similar to how he treats Ariel and Caliban. By gaining complete control this way, Prospero is being autocratic, as he has used neither for nor fair means to gain this control. Prospero longs for his dukedom back, and in my opinion has the right to try and regain power. Prosperos main reason for losing control was that he had to much trust in his brother, Antonio. The fact that Prospero conjured the tempest and brought Antonio to the island, shows that he is obviously hell bent on revenge. This gives the opinion that Prosperos view on just is an eye for an eye. Although this seems equal, as though Prospero wants to overthrow Antonio like Antonio overthrew Prospero, we know that Prosperos view of justice is unbalanced as he in turn, overthrew Caliban. Again, this shows that Prospero is not an egalitarian. The fact that he has used magic to try and regain his kingdom can also prove this. Antonio did not use magic but used Prospero to gain the dukedom. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Prospero a power obsessed tyrant or an egalitarian? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Is Prospero a power obsessed tyrant or an egalitarian? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Is Prospero a power obsessed tyrant or an egalitarian? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If Prospero was an egalitarian, he would try to use Antonio to get his dukedom back fairly. All of these points can argue that Prospero is neither an egalitarian, nor a power obsessed tyrant. Prospero may use unethical means such as imprisonment to gain power; however a true tyrant uses force and death to gain control, something Prospero did not use. He manipulates people through magic and mental knowledge to get what he wants. By using magic to gain control this gives Prospero an unfair advantage as he is the only possessor of this power. By using this advantage Prospero is definitely not an egalitarian. Towards the end of the story, it is more apparent that Prospero is more autocratic in his ruling. At the end of The Tempest, Prospero forgives everyone on the island. This obviously shows Prospero to be kinder than we may have thought prior to the event. By forgiving everyone, this rules out whether Prospero is an egalitarian or a tyrant. A tyrant would never forgive an enemy, so therefore Prospero cannot be a tyrant. If he was a tyrant, Prospero would have killed his enemies. An egalitarian would always try to balance the scales of justice. By forgiving, Prospero has given up seeking revenge and cannot be an egalitarian. A true egalitarian would have equalled the injustice put upon him. From these points, it is my opinion that Prospero can be described as an autocrat. He controls with complete power without the use of fear, murder or equality, so is therefore an autocrat. I believe that this term describes Prospero accurately. He does have complete control over the island and all the character and can therefore be described as an autocrat. Prospero says to Miranda, so safely ordered, that there is no soul. Prospero tries to protect Miranda by saying that some situations are more acceptable than they really are. These are his thought and he is trying to make Miranda believe what he thinks. This shows a domineering side to Prospero as he likes everyone to abide by what he believes. He is obviously domineering towards Caliban and Ariel as well. He imprisons them both so that he can have complete control over them. Finally, he is domineering toward all the character he brings to the island as he uses his magic to gain complete control over them. This shows that he is obviously power obsessed and likes to have a complete hold over everyone. Overall, the points explore tend to disprove that Prospero is an egalitarian or a power obsessed tyrant. What I do believe is that Prospero is an autocrat obsessed with keeping everyone under his control. Gary Cummins Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE The Tempest section. Download this essay Print Save Heres what a teacher thought of this essay 4 star(s)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Complete Stress Management Guide for Nurses
The Complete Stress Management Guide for Nurses If you’re a nurse (or thinking of becoming one), you know that it is not a career path for the faint of heart. With demanding schedules, hectic shifts, and the unpredictability that comes from dealing with people and healthcare, there needs to be a way to balance the demands with the rewards. If you’re looking for ways to de-stress and maintain your sanity at work, we’ve got you covered. Take Care of Yourself, TooWhile you’re learning the ropes as a nurse, it’s important to set good habits early that can help prevent you from becoming overstressed and undernourished in more ways than one. Getting a healthy amount of sleep, eating a balanced diet, and setting consistent routines can help you at every step of your career. Self-care is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself, even when things are chaotic and your patients take center stage.Check out the follow tips to keep you physically and mentally healthy in order to be the best possible nurse you can be.Top 3 Survival Traits for New NursesKnow What to Expect and How to DealKnowing what to expect from your new career can help ease some anxiety and stress. Sure, every gig is different and comes with a new set of challenges, but we’ve compiled the following articles that outline exactly what you need to know in order to a) start your career on the right foot, and then b) keep it going strong as you rise among the ranks.14 Things You Need to Know as a New Nurse6 Secret Weapons You Won’t Learn in Nursing School22 Reasons Being a Nurse is Really Hard5 Nursing Leadership Styles You’ll Come to Learn as a NurseGuide to a Successful Nursing CareerWhat You Need to Be a Stellar NurseNo matter where you are in your career as a nurse, these tips can help you get a handle on stress before you start feeling overwhelmed.7 Stress Management Techniques for NursesHow to Deal with Stress at Work10 Ways to Reduce Stress at WorkHow to Train Your Brain to Ke ep You Healthy in Times of StressTop 9 Stress Relieving Activities at Work That’ll Keep You HappyAnd don’t forget the ultimate stress-relief tip: make sure you have access to plenty of internet pictures of your cute baby animal of choice!Remember: You’re Not AloneNo matter how alone, challenged, or stressed you may feel, you’re part of a network of other nursing professionals who know exactly what it feels like to be in this position. Understanding that you’re not in this alone can help with some of the more challenging parts of being a nurse.Top 10 Secrets of All NursesAnd being part of that community means you don’t have to look too far to find stories that show what a worthwhile career you’ve chosen for yourself.3 Stories That Prove Nursing is Worth It10 of the Most Inspirational Parts of NursingKnow When to Move OnIf you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, there may not be an easy fix- it might just be time to start thinki ng about whether this job is really right for you. If leaving your current position would be the ultimate stress relief, we have lots of great resources for you to explore new opportunities and get ready to seize them.The Top 10 Highest Paying Nurse JobsWhere in the U.S. Can Nurses Find the Most Opportunities?10 Nursing Careers You Didn’t Know Existed8 Steps to Creating a Great Nursing ResumeHow to Create a Nursing Resume to Get You Hired5 Questions Every Job Hopping Nurse Should Know How to AnswerCreate a Winning Registered Nurse ResumeDespite its challenges, nursing can be one of the most fulfilling jobs around- after all, you know you’re helping people in a very immediate and concrete way. Along the way, there will be stress†¦that’s a given in every job, and especially one with high stakes. We want you to have all the tools available to help make sure that stress doesn’t take over your life, and undermine all of the great progress you’ve ma de on your career path. So take a deep breath, find some techniques that work for you (or a job exit plan, if things are just too rough), and hopefully find yourself a bit of calm and peace.
Friday, November 22, 2019
SBA Offers Online 8(a) Program Application
SBA Offers Online 8(a) Program Application The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has unveiled a new electronic online application process that will make it easier, faster and less expensive for small businesses to apply for 8(a) Business Development and Small Disadvantaged Business certification. The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses. The 8(a) Program offers a wide range of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Benefits of 8(a) Certification Small businesses that gain SBA 8(a) program certification can compete for and get sole-source government contracts worth up to $4 million for goods and services and $6.5 million for manufacturing. 8(a) certified firms may also from joint ventures and teams to bid on government contracts. â€Å"This enhances the ability of 8(a) firms to perform larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling, the combining of two or more contracts together into one large contract,†notes the SBA. In addition, the SBA’s Mentor-Protà ©gà © Program allows newly-certified 8(a) firms to â€Å"learn the ropes†from more experienced businesses. Participation in the program is divided into two phases over nine years: a four-year developmental stage and a five-year transition stage. Basic 8(a) Certification Eligibility Requirements While the SBA imposes many specific requirements for 8(a) certification, the basics are: The business must be at least 51% owned and controlled by an individual or individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged. The owners must be able to prove they meet the SBA requirements for both social disadvantage and economic disadvantage.The owner(s) must be an American citizen, by birth-right or naturalization.The business must meet the SBA size limits for a small business.The business must demonstrate to the SBA that it has a â€Å"potential for success.†More About the 8(a) Online Application Announced during a luncheon at Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week by SBA Administrator Hector V. Barreto, the new automated online 8(a) application will substantially reduce the time and cost of applying for certification. The newly launched 8(a) online application will allow small businesses to apply for 8(a) and SDB certification directly from the SBAs Web site, and ensure more small businesses are able to successfully compete for federal contracting opportunities, Barreto said. This user-friendly application represents another accomplishment of this Administration in developing e-Gov tools that make access to information less cumbersome for small business. [ Truth About Small Business Grants From the US Government ] The SBAs 8(a) Business Development Program helps small businesses owned, controlled, and operated by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals by providing management, technical, financial and federal contracting assistance with the aim of helping these entrepreneurs create viable businesses. About 8,300 companies are presently certified in the 8(a) program. During FY 2003, $9.56 billion in federal contracts were awarded to companies participating in the program. The new automated application was developed by an 8(a) firm, Simplicity, Inc. in conjunction with the SBAs Office of Government Contracting and Business Development. It employs decision logic to screen applications allowing the SBA to review and process applications more efficiently and provide improved customer service. The application is 100 percent Web-based, allowing applicants to apply without downloading any software or plug-ins, replacing a four-page written application that required substantial supporting documentation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS (Strategic Management) - Essay Example On the external assessment, aspects such as the political environment of the host nation are very important to be assessed. This is because hostile political landscape is very unforgiving to the economic progress, which can delay the breakeven point once investment has been made on the global market. Additionally, economic nationalism is another component that needs to be examined. According to Greenfield (2003), strong economic nationalism in the host nation will result in a strong affinity on the homemade products than those of the foreigners hence this will result in rejection or poor entourage to the host nation as the global market. With assessment, host nation that embrace economic nationalism should be avoided. The internal assessment, on the other hand, is also a component that needs a consideration when it comes to making inroad to the global market. The firm resource strength to make it in the global market is a key component. The strength of firm is encapsulated on a host of factors that include the economic capacity of a country, the political status, the local taxation the source of capital to make the inroads to global market and business factors. These will determine the success of making it into the global market (Benli,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sentences in BTN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sentences in BTN - Essay Example A Chinese firm is used for analysis to determine if the exchange rates affect trade flows in a systematic manner. It is beyond the analysis of this paper to compare the responses of the foreign country policies to the domestic policies that existed initially China maintained a fixed exchange rate from 1994 to 2005 and during this period the USA experienced continued and increasing deficits in trade against China. Domestic Chinese firms obtained raw materials from the foreign trading partner freely without making payments. The firm would then sell the product to the same foreign trading partner and charges the trading partner only the assemblage fee. Ordinary exports and imports formed the main basis of the analysis as they accounted for the majority of the exports and the imports. The share of each of the processing firm is used as a determinant of the level of processing trade engagement of the given firm during the analysis The effects of the firm level dynamics on the aggregate ch ina-us trade balance is examined using beard formula of decomposing the annual changes in exports and imports between the two countries. Percentage changes in the GDP of China and USA are used to control the effects on the demands on firm exports and imports. Firm fixed effects are used in the control of any unique feature that may affect the exports or imports at the firm level hence errors are standardized at the firm level
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Juvenile Justice Process and Correction Essay Example for Free
Juvenile Justice Process and Correction Essay Xander L. is a young man with a rough start in life, who is a known gang member, and has been in and out of the juvenile court system on numerous occasions. The 17-year-old young man has been involved in various crimes, such as purse snatching, breaking and entering, and drug possession. The juvenile offender previously served one year in a juvenile correctional facility as well as probation on several occasions. The juvenile offender also pled guilty in a court of law, regarding his possession of a concealed weapon. The case study discussed the scenario of which the individual is a repeat offender, committing crime after crime, after he has received numerous opportunities to correct his behavior. However, the case study does not reflect the steps the offender followed after he was arrested for the crimes committed. Once the offender entered the juvenile-justice system through the arrest, he will go through the intake process, detention, adjudication, disposition, and aftercare (Norris Callahan, 2012). In the state of Illinois, the intake process involves the prosecutor, or the court deciding whether to file the case in the juvenile court. The prosecution will review factors, such as the evidence of the offense, the seriousness of the offense, the previous criminal and court history of the offender, and the success rate of the rehabilitation tactics with the juvenile (Norris Callahan, 2012). Furthermore, during the intake process the prosecution may determine to handle the case as a formal or informal hearing, depending on the crime committed. The informal disposition would involve the juvenile agreeing to certain terms and conditions for a specific period of time. In addition to the verbal acknowledgement, the youth will sign a written agreement and a parole officer will monitor the juvenile offenders compliance of the agreed conditions, such as curfew, school, or community service (Norris Callahan, 2012). However, based on the scenario involving Xander L, the prosecution decided upon the formal disposition because of the type of crimes committed by the juvenile offender. The formal disposition involves the possibility of detention for the young offender. The individual may be detained at a secured facility if it is determined in the best interest of the juvenile or the community (Norris Callahan, 2012). The detention of the offender may result in his or her adjudication or rather the request made by the prosecutor to waive the case to an adult criminal court. When the prosecutor request that the criminal case is waived to the adult court system, the court will make the decision based on several factors. The court will consider whether the juvenile offender may be helped by rehabilitative treatment through the juvenile court, previous adjudication tactics with unsuccessful results, or the crime committed is too severe for the juvenile court to have precedence over (Norris Callahan, 2 012). In the case study involving Xander L, the previous crimes committed by the juvenile offender did not persuade the judge to waive the case to the adult criminal court. Therefore, the court has decided to maintain its jurisdiction over the individual, and determine whether the offender should be adjudicated as a delinquent. In the state of Illinois, if the youth is adjudicated as a delinquent, the disposition hearing will follow (Norris Callahan, 2012). During the disposition hearing the court will consider probation recommendations as well as the prosecutor, and juvenile presenting their agreement to the judge for his or her consideration. The sentencing or disposition plan may involve requirements, such as counseling, detention center confinement, community service, or restitution (Norris Callahan, 2012). In some states, the judge may also order the youth to a juvenile correctional facility for rehabilitation. However, if the juvenile offender is placed in a correctional facility, aftercare will be mandatory after the release. In the state of Illinois, for example, the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice is mandated to provide post-released treatment programs for juveniles committed to the department. The programs include mental health services, educational services, substance abuse services, and referral services to any other state or local agencies (Saddler, 2012). The corrections plan involving a letter to a judge regarding sentencing for a non-violent offense, would involve asking the judge to be lenient when sentencing the defendant because he is in the process of completing his general equivalency diploma, and by sentencing my client to a more severe punishment will only deter the individual from completing his goal. I am available to discuss any recommendations for my client, and I can be reached on my cell phone or email address regarding the opportunity. In conclusion, the case study involves the juvenile offender committing numerous crimes, serving a previous sentence in a juvenile correctional facility, and having a concealed weapon in his possession. Ultimately, falling on the mercy of the juvenile court not to have his case waived to an adult criminal court.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
e-waste Essay -- Technology, Electronic and Electrical Equipment
Electronic and electrical equipment is essential part of busy world. It substitutes hard human work and makes it faster. Most of people have a computer at home or at work. In recent years changing of electronic equipment becomes faster due to obsolescence and advance (Deathe et al. 2008, 322). The problem of e-waste threatens the future environment of the modern society. E-waste or electronic waste means electrical and electronic equipment, which is not suitable for use and fills the dumps. Electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, computers, and televisions consist of hazardous materials, which pollute the environment and impact on human’s health. Obtaining of 1.6 billion pounds of lead and four times more pounds of plastic from e-waste had been foretold by the National Safety Council (Hosansky 2004, 20). There is a diversity of ways to solve this problem, but for finding the most effective solution there are some criteria such as environmental benefits, accessibility for people and feasibility. This paper using evaluation criteria will introduce and analyse remanufacturing and recycling. This essay will argue that remanufacturing is the most effective solution by evaluation of two proposed solving. According to Kahhat et al. (2008, 956) people buy technologies despite they not required in it. Increasing of using electronic devices has not supplemented the developing of a process after the end of their life. For instance, only 9% of non-using equipment was pending of destruction (ibid. 956).He shows that about 4 % of e-waste can be recycled in the United States. As Hosansky (2004, 20) states computers have the cathode ray tubes (CRTs) which consist of lead. Electronic equipment also contain chemicals which dangerous for hea... ...be disassembled and restored. Remanufacturing seems to have promise and it needs more promoting and expansion. In conclusion, this essay has overviewed the e-waste problem and has analyzed lately recommended solutions. Remanufacturing and recycling was evaluated according to the criteria of environmental benefits, accessibility for people and feasibility. The main criterion is environmental benefit which also means advantage for human health. According to this, it has been determined that, remanufacturing has adequate convenience to choose it. It is limited instances for remanufacturing in life and in scientific sources because it is recently offered solution. Indeed, producers should think about remanufacturing which in compare with recycling gives more benefits for environment and economics and seems to be the most effective solution of the e-waste problem.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Jack London’s The Call of the Wild: A Review Essay
In Jack London’s novel The Call of the Wild, the main character, Buck, has developed from a house dog to a sled dog. Buck, being forced to adapt in order to survive, has made him become the leader of the pack. When Buck was being attacked by the man in the red sweater, â€Å"He saw, once for all, that he stood no chance against a man with a club. He learned the lesson, and in all his afterlife he never forgot it†(11). This shows that eventually Buck realized that he had to learn to respect the club. Also, Buck learned that he is not able to beat everyone, he must accept defeat sometimes. And once he would respect the club, the club wouldn’t hurt him. With Buck pulling the sled every single day, â€Å"his muscles became as hard as iron, and he grew callous to all ordinary pain†(25). Buck is developing and is becoming stronger to pull the sled. Also, the pain in Buck’s feet have disappeared since he is so use to having the same monotonous running every day. Later in the book, Buck was able to pull a 1000 pound sled. This shows that Buck has truly developed into a sled dog, because a house dog would never be able to achieve that. Also, being able to pull a 1000 pound sled means that he has grown stronger from all the running that he has done over the last few months. With him getting stronger and learning to respect the club, Buck has truly turned into an incredible sled dog.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Sase study Essay
What is the break-even point in passengers and revenues per month?†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ First we have to figure out the contribution Margin = Sales per fare – variable expense per unit:†¨ $160.00 – $70.00 = $90.00 (Contribution Margin.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Break Even point in passengers= Fixed costs (divided) contribution Margin:†¨ $3,150,000 / $90 = 35,000 passengers.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Break-even point in revenues per month = Fare sales to breakeven (X) Sales per unit.†¨ 35,000 x $160 = $5,600,000 †¢What is the break-even point in number of passenger train cars per month?†¨ At 70% load = 90 x 70% = 63†¨ Breakeven point in passengers = 35,000/63 = 556 cars†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ c) If Springfield Express raises its average passenger fare to $ 190, it is estimated that the average load factor will decrease to 60 percent. What will be the monthly break-even point in number of passenger cars?†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ 90 seats x 60% = 54†¨ Contribution Margin = $190 – $70 = $120†¨ Fixed costs $3,150,000/ $120 = 26250 Passengers†¨ 26250/54 = 486 cars d) (Refer to original data.) Fuel cost is a significant variable cost to any railway. If crude oil increases by $ 20 per barrel, it is estimated that variable cost per passenger will rise to $ 90. What will be the new break-even point in passengers and in number of passenger train cars? Contribution margin = ($160 – $90) = $70 3,150,000/70 = 45,000 Breakeven point in number of passenger cars per month: 90Ãâ€"70% = 63 45,000/ 63 = 714 cars e) Springfield Express has experienced an increase in variable cost per passengers to $ 85 and an increase in total fixed cost to $ 3,600,000. The company has decided to raise the average fare to $ 205. If the tax rate is 30 percent, how many passengers per month are needed to generate an after-tax profit of $ 750,000? New Contribution Margin: $205- $85 = $120.00 Profit=after tax profit/tax rate = $750,000x 70% = $1,071,429 Breakeven point in passengers = $3,600,000 + $1071.429 = $4,671,429 (divided) $120 (CM) = 38,929 Passengers f). (Use original data). Springfield Express is considering offering a discounted fare of $ 120, which the company believes would increase the load factor to 80 percent. Only the additional seats would be sold at the discounted fare. Additional monthly advertising cost would be $ 180,000. How much pre-tax income would the discounted fare provide Springfield Express if the company has 50 passenger train cars per day, 30 days per month? CM= $120 – $70 = $50 Load Factor = 80% – 70% = 10% Additional Rider CM = 50 cars x 90 seats x 10% = 450 Per day Revenue: $160 x 3150 = $504,000 + $54,000 ($120 x 450) = $558,000 Variable cost per day: 70 x 3,600 (total seats) = $252,000 Per day income: $558,000 – $252,000 = $306,000 x 30 days = $9,180,000 Profit = $9,180,000 – $3,150,000 – $180,000 (addtl. monthly advertising cost) = $5,850,000. g). Springfield Express has an opportunity to obtain a new route that would be traveled 20 times per month. The company believes it can sell seats at $ 175 on the route, but the load factor would be only 60 percent. Fixed cost would increase by $ 250,000 per month for additional personnel, additional passenger train cars, maintenance, and so on. Variable cost per passenger would remain at $ 70. CM = $175 – $70 = $105 Number of passengers x load factor = 90 x 60% = 54 CM per ride: ($175 – $70) = $105 x (90 x 60% load) 54 = $5670 x 20 rides = $113,400 (per month) 1. Should the company obtain the route? I don’t think it would be profitable unless we can increase the number of passengers a month for this route in order to break even 2. How many passenger train cars must Springfield Express operate to earn pre-tax income of $ 120,000 per month on this route? Profit = CM x Q – fixed expenses $175x – $70x – $250,000 = $120,000 $105x = $370,000 X = 3,524 3524/54 = 65 train cars 3). If the load factor could be increased to 75 percent, how many passenger train cars must be operated to earn pre-tax income of $ 120,000 per month on this route? CM = $105 90 x 75% = 67.5 67.5 x $105 x 20 cars = $141,750 $175 – $70 = $105 $105 = $370,000 ($250,000 + $120,000) 3,524 passengers 3,524/67.5 = 52 trains 4) What qualitative factors should be considered by Springfield Express in making its decision about acquiring this route? Considerations in decision making in addition to the qualitative or financial factors highlighted by incremental analysis. They are the factors relevant to a decision that are difficult to measure in terms of money. Qualitative factors may include effect on employee morale, schedules and other elements, relationships with and commitments to suppliers, effect on present and future suppliers and effect on present and future customers.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Research Design Discussion Example
Research Design Discussion Example Research Design Discussion – Coursework Example Research Design Discussion Research Designs Design is the structure of any scientific work that gives direction, and systemizes the research. In view of the second responders program: a coordinated police and social service response to domestic violence, it is clear that the researchers employed the quasi experimental design; this being a both qualitative and quantitative method (Gribbons & Herman, 1997). Field findings of the researchers are based on two waves of victims: women who received second responder intervention, and women who received police intervention. The experimental and control groups were defined by geographical boundary, a wide range of demographical data was collected. The second responders program was implemented in two of its four police precincts’ in Richmond. Interview findings were presented in four broad areas: services provided by police and responders, attitude towards police and second r esponders, the probability of receiving follow up, and likelihood of receiving protection.The study opted for a quasi research design over a true experimental design because the true experimental design tend to prove or reject a hypothesis mathematically with statistical analysis. It has more of a quantitative design method reason for this could be due to random assigning of groups that are approached in the later design (Gribbons & Herman, 1997). Again the true experimental design demands for viable control group, this design suggest that only one variable can be manipulated and tested yet we see that the research involved testing of more than one variable. True experimental design also involves a process whereby the tested subjects are randomly assigned to either experimental or control groups. However, what we see in the study is that the experimental group was drawn from the first and second precincts whereas the contro l group from third and fourth precincts.ReferenceGribbons, B., & Herman, J. (1997). True and Quasi Experimental Designs. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 5(14).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Cell Biology
Cell Biology Cell Biology What Is Cell Biology? Cell biology is the subdiscipline of biology that studies the basic unit of life, the cell. It deals with all aspects of the cell including cell anatomy, cell division (mitosis and meiosis), and cell processes including cell respiration, and cell death. Cell biology does not stand alone as a discipline but is closely related to other areas of biology such as genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry. Key Takeaways As its name implies, cell biology deals with the study of the cell, the basic unit of life.There are two cell types: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes do not have a defined nucleus while eukaryotes do.The invention of the microscope was pivotal in scientists ability to properly study cells.A number of career paths, like a clinical researcher, a medical doctor or a pharmacologist are open to those who have studied cell biology.Many important developments have taken place in cell biology. From Hookes description of a cork cell in 1655 to induced pluripotent stem cells advances, cell biology continues to fascinate scientists. Based on one of the basic principles of biology, the cell theory, the study of cells would not have been possible without the invention of the microscope. With the advanced microscopes of today, such as the Scanning Electron Microscope and Transmission Electron Microscope, cell biologists are able to obtain detailed images of the smallest of cell structures and organelles. What Are Cells? All organisms contain cells. Viaframe/Corbis/Getty Images Plus All living organisms are composed of cells. Some organisms are comprised of cells that number in the trillions. There are two primary types of cells: eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a defined nucleus, while the prokaryotic nucleus is not defined or contained within a membrane. While all organisms are composed of cells, these cells differ among organisms. Some of these differing characteristics include cell structure, size, shape, and organelle content. For example, animal cells, bacterial cells, and plant cells have similarities, but they are also noticeably different. Cells have different methods of reproduction. Some of these methods include: binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis. Cells house an organisms genetic material (DNA), which provides instructions for all cellular activity. Why Do Cells Move? Cell movement is necessary for a number of cell functions to occur. Some of these functions include cell division, cell shape determination, fighting off infectious agents and tissue repair. Internal cell movement is needed to transport substances into and out of a cell, as well as to move organelles during cell division. Careers in Cell Biology Study in the field of cell biology can lead to various career paths. Many cell biologists are research scientists who work in industrial or academic laboratories. Other opportunities include: Cell Culture SpecialistClinical Quality AuditorClinical ResearcherFood Drug InspectorIndustrial HygienistMedical DoctorMedical IllustratorMedical WriterPathologistPharmacologistPhysiologistProfessorQuality Control SpecialistTechnical WriterVeterinarian Significant Events in Cell Biology There have been several significant events throughout history that have led to the development of the field of cell biology as it exists today. Below are a few of these major events: 1655 - Robert Hooke gives first description of a cork tree cell.1674 - Leeuwenhoek views protozoa.1683 - Leeuwenhoek views bacteria.1831 - Robert Brown was first to identify the nucleus as an important cell component.1838 - Schleiden and Schwann introduce what would become the Cell Theory.1857 - Kolliker describes mitochondria.1869 - Miescher isolates DNA for the first time.1882 - Kock identifies bacteria.1898 - Golgi discovers the Golgi apparatus.1931 - Ruska builds the first Transmission Electron Microscope.1953 - Watson and Crick propose structure of DNA double-helix.1965 - First commercial Scanning Electron Microscope produced.1997 - First sheep cloned.1998 - Mice cloned.2003 - Human genome DNA sequence draft completed.2006 - Adult mouse skin cells reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS).2010 - Neurons, cardiac muscle, and blood cells created directly from reprogrammed adult cells. Types of Cells The human body has a multitude of different types of cells. These cells differ in structure and function and are suited for the roles they fulfill in the body. Examples of cells in the body include: stem cells, sex cells, blood cells, fat cells and cancer cells.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
David Orton PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
David Orton PLC - Essay Example In order to understand the challenges that Costwise employees have to face since the merger of their organization with Ortons it is necessary to refer primarily to the main events followed the above merger, meaning the events that are likely to affect the employee relationships across the organization: before the merger both firms, Ortons and Costwise have been quite powerful in the British retail industry. However, the two firms had a different culture, as reflected in their strategic priorities: for Ortons, keeping its prices at a rather high level, ensuring the quality of its products, and increasing the number of its larger stores have been the most important elements of the firm’s strategy. In opposition, the stores of Costwise were of various sizes; developing an effective communication with customers has been more important in Costwise instead of increasing the number of profits. Moreover, the level of compensation in Costwise has been lower than that of Ortons, a fact that has not negatively affected the performance of employee in Costwise. After the merger, when the differences between the two organizations revealed, employees in the two firms have been asked to cooperate for promoting the plans of the organization resulted by the merger, the David Orton plc. However, inequalities in compensation and in the participation of employees in the firm’s decision-making process led employees in Costwise at a lower position compared to their counterparts in Ortons.
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